
CDW Calls on Congress to Conduct Oversight over NLRB, General Counsel

Washington, DC – On February 27, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace sent a letter to the House and Senate labor committees informing them of the extreme policies being pushed by the NLRB and its General Counsel that “are promoting changes that are contrary to the bedrock principles of our democracy, like free speech, open debate, the right to cast a vote privately, and the promise of a workplace free from harassment.”

The following statement can be attributed to CDW Chair Kristen Swearingen:

“The NLRB and General Counsel Abruzzo are pursuing policies that violate workers’ right to secret ballot elections and safe workplaces and employers’ free speech rights, all in an effort to boost union membership. The NLRB is supposed to be a neutral arbiter of federal labor law. Instead, the Board and Abruzzo have chosen to tip the scales in favor of unions.

“Congress should immediately conduct oversight over the agency and Abruzzo and ensure workers and employers are able to freely exercise their rights.”