
CDW Submits Brief on NLRB Demanding Employers Permit Political Activity in the Workplace

On May 31, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace submitted an amicus brief in Home Depot, a case before the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, to push back against the National Labor Relations Board’s efforts to force employers to permit political activity in the workplace to the potential detriment of the professionalism and safety of the workplace. 

The following can be attributed to CDW Chair Kristen Swearingen:

“The NLRB once again is overreaching in their attempts to expand the National Labor Relations Act and their own authority over the workplace. The Board’s decision in Home Depot is an attempt to allow workers to use the workplace as a political soapbox and voice their support or opposition to any political issue of the day. This will undeniably impair employers’ ability to maintain safe and hostility-free workplaces for their employees and for their customers. Businesses must be able to control their facilities and the professionalism of the workplace.”