
Business Group Challenges Connecticut Gag Rule in Court

On November 1, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW), along with the US Chamber of Commerce, Associated Builders and Contractors, Associated Builders and Contractors of CT, CT Business & Industry Association, CT Retail Merchants Association, National Association of Home Builders, National Federation of Independent Business, and National Retail Federation, filed a lawsuit challenging Connecticut’s recently enacted law that bans employers from discussing workplace issues, including union representation and pending legislation or regulations, with their employees.

The following statement can be attributed to CDW Chair Kristen Swearingen:

“Connecticut’s law unquestionably violates the First Amendment as well as the National Labor Relations Act and is simply bad policy that hurts employers and employees alike. The law infringes on employers’ right to discuss with employees critical issues that undeniably impact the workforce and the business. At the same time, the law limits employees’ access to vital information they need to make an informed decision on whether or not to vote for union representation, including their employer’s response to any potentially misleading union allegations or promises.

“The state of Connecticut cannot be allowed to pick and choose which of its citizens have free speech rights. CDW will continue to fight back against these unlawful attacks on employers.”