
CDW Submits Amicus Letter on Motion to Recuse in McDonalds Case

Washington, D.C. – On August 28, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW), along with several other associations, submitted an amicus letter to the National Labor Relations Board in support of McDonald’s USA’s opposition to the Service Employees International Union’s Motion to Recuse Chairman John Ring and Member William Emanuel from their case.

As CDW explains in the letter, current law establishes that members should only recuse themselves when they personally represented a party involved in a case or when their former employer actively represented the party before the NLRB. Neither of these circumstances apply to Chairman Ring or Member Emanuel in this case.

CDW Chair Kristen Swearingen said, “The SEIU is weaponizing the recusal process to tip the scales in favor of their preferred outcome. Their position would drastically and unjustifiably expand the scope of recusal rules, pervert the purpose of the rules, and prevent the NLRB from effectively deciding cases. The union is clearly pursuing this change for its own political agenda.”

CDW urged the NLRB to strongly reject the SEIU’s motion and efforts to distort ethics rules for its own political and tactical purposes.