
CDW Comments Seek Fair Labor Board Rules

National Coalition Fight Unfair, Misguided NLRB Regulations

Today, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace announced it filed comments and empowered grassroots to speak out against unfair rules proposed by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Among the Board’s potential regulatory actions are decreasing the communications between employers and employees via “ambush elections” and forcing employers to provide union officials the private personal information of employees.

CDW Chairman Geoffrey Burr said, “There continues to be no merit in eroding workplace rights, when current NLRB statistics show that the median time between a petition filing and the election is 38 days. Moreover, 94 percent of elections occur within 56 days. Union bosses are already winning 65 percent of elections, so the desperate attempt to deny employees a thoughtful process is just unfair.”

CDW filed regulatory comments to the Board and assisted business owners, employees, and citizens in contacting their legislators. A copy of CDW’s filed comments can be found here.