Employers Look Forward To Supreme NLRB Fight
CDW Ready For Final Fight Over Illegal Recess Appointments
WASHINGTON, D.C. // Today, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace issued the following statement on behalf of chairman Geoffrey Burr in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to hear arguments in the case known as “NLRB v. Noel Canning”:
“Employers look forward to the Supreme Court weighing in on the President’s illegal recess appointments. We hope and trust they will affirm lower court rulings that the president cannot use fake ‘recesses’ to circumvent the constitutional role of the Senate to provide advice and consent on nominations. America’s workplace policy is too important to be left to an illegally packed agency.
Burr, concluded, “We are glad that this issue will have its day in court and we look forward to a positive outcome that will decrease harmful uncertainty in America’s workplaces.”