
Legislators to NLRB: Can You Hear Us Now?

WASHINGTON, D.C. // February 11, 2011 // Today, Coalition for a Democratic Workplace chair Geoffrey Burr released the following statement regarding today’s hearing by the House Education and the Workforce Committee regarding concerns that the National Labor Relations Board has taken Big Labor’s agenda at the expense of employers and employees:

“We thank Chairman John Kline for his oversight of National Labor Relations Board and its recent activities.

“As today’s hearing demonstrates, the Craig Becker and the Obama Board are well outside the mainstream. Since Becker was sworn in 10 months ago, the NLRB has pushed a radical agenda, favoring Big Labor at the expense of worker privacy, private property and economic growth. At the same time the President says he supports regulatory reform, Becker and Board are opening small business to harassment and intimidation by union bosses and threatening regulations that extend to millions of businesses.

“Americans have spoken about their desire for fair play, economic growth, and job creation. The administration has yet to listen, but we thank the legislators for hearing the American people.”

Hearing website: