
NLRB Wasting Resources to Promote Card Check

CDW Calls on Government to Apply Rules Fairly

WASHINGTON, DC // JANUARY 14, 2011 // Today, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) issued the following statement in response to a threat by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to sue four states where voters passed ballot measures intended to guarantee the right to secret-ballots when employees decide whether or not to join a union:

“It’s astounding that the Board would dedicate resources to promoting card check — a key component of the widely unpopular and job-killing Employee Free Choice Act, rather than focus on protecting workers,” said Geoffrey Burr, chair of CDW, “This is simply another example of the Board advocating for union bosses at the expense of workers, businesses and the American public,”  Burr concluded, “If the government is going to pursue a policy of challenging laws based on federal preemption, it should do so consistently, not just when it promotes Big Labor’s agenda.”

Affected states include Arizona, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah.

About the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace
The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace is a coalition of workers, employers, associations and organizations who are fighting to protect the right to a federally supervised private ballot when workers are deciding whether or not to join a union.