CDW Continues Fight Against NLRB Anti-Employee Election Rule
WASHINGTON, D.C. // FEBRUARY 4, 2015 // Today, the nationwide Coalition for a Democratic Workplace filed a motion for summary judgment in its challenge to the National Labor Relation Board’s ambush elections rule. The rule will shorten time frames for union representation elections from the median of 38 days to as few as 14 days, depriving employers their free speech rights and employees the opportunity to hear from both sides prior to voting and make a fully informed choice. The motion was filed jointly with the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, the National Association of Manufacturers, the National Retail Federation, and the Society for Human Resource Management.
CDW legal strategist Joshua Ulman said, “The NLRB’s ‘ambush’ election rule is a flagrant attack on American workers. The Final Rule violates both the spirit and the letter of the National Labor Relations Act and other legal requirements, at the expense of rights that are critical to workplace democracy, such as protected speech and employee free choice.”
Ulman concluded, “The protection of fundamental workplace rights is a critical issue which CDW will continue to fight for on the behalf of employees and employers.”