CDW: Again, We File Suit Against Obama’s Labor Board
Coalition Announces Federal Lawsuit Against Ambush Elections Rule
WASHINGTON, D.C. // JANUARY 5, 2015 // Today, the nationwide Coalition for a Democratic Workplace announced that it filed a federal lawsuit to stop an ill-advised, illegal regulatory rule issued by members of President Obama’s handpicked National Labor Relations Board. The suit to block the Board’s “ambush elections” rule was filed in the D.C. Federal District Court and follows successful litigation to reverse a similar rule that was unlawfully promulgated by two members of the NLRB.
CDW legal strategist Josh Ulman said, “We simply cannot allow millions of workplaces and tens of millions of Americans to be ambushed by this rule. For nearly 70 years, the NLRB’s election procedures have ensured employees have reasonable time to gather the facts before they cast a ballot for or against union representation. The NLRB’s rule abandons over a half century of successful elections to put the demands of politically powerful unions ahead of employees’ rights to make informed choices and employers’ rights to due process and free speech. This rule was designed to reduce, rather than increase, information for employees and entirely contradicts the spirit behind the President’s promise to have the most transparent administration in history.”
Ulman concluded, “CDW has confidence that our continuing legal and educational work will again prevent this important federal agency from stripping important protections from employees and employers.”
To view the suit, click here.