CDW: Good News from S.C. and D.C. on NLRB
Employers Laud Court Decision Blocking Illegal NLRB Posting Rule
WASHINGTON, D.C. // APRIL 17, 2012 // Today, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, which represents more than 600 employers, associations and other organizations operating in every Congressional District, issued the following statement on behalf of CDW chairman Geoffrey Burr regarding the decision by the U.S. District Court for South Carolina to strike down the National Labor Relations Board’s illegal notice-posting requirement and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia decision granting CDW’s request for an injunction against the rule:
“This is a big win for CDW and our partners in litigation at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as a victory for employers across the nation. We are are gratified the courts are stating the obvious—that the federal government dramatically overstepped its bounds. Unelected bureaucrats have no right to force employers to post what amounts to an advertisement for joining unions.
“These important developments are key steps in reining in a rogue agency to block it from singlehandedly enacting an agenda on behalf of Big Labor bosses and returning it to a fair and impartial Board that also considers its impact on jobs, small businesses, and economic growth. While these victories are not final, they are crucial.”
CDW is engaged in litigation against the NLRB regarding the notice-posting requirement, the Board’s “ambush elections” rule, and three illegal recess appointments, which should invalidate the NLRB’s current decisions.