
CDW Statement on Letter to Transition Team

WASHINGTON, D.C. // DECEMBER 9, 2016 // Today, the nationwide coalition of more than 600 associations, companies, and advocacy organizations sent a letter to Vice President-elect Mike Pence to quickly fill vacancies on the National Labor Relations Board with qualified experts.

According to the letter, “Over the last eight years, the NLRB has overturned an astounding total of 4,559 years’ worth of long-standing precedent, blurred numerous bright-line tests, and dramatically overhauled the union election process – all in an effort to benefit organized labor… CDW has opposed this regulatory overreach through litigation; both by directly challenging Board rules and through amicus briefs challenging Board decisions…

“The new Administration can return balance to the NLRB by nominating new Board members who will interpret the National Labor Relations Act in a manner that is fair to workers, unions and employers alike. Moreover, returning the Board to its traditional role as a neutral arbiter of labor disputes will create a climate for economic growth by freeing employers from the unnecessary red-tape and uncertainty associated with recent Board activities. The Administration has the opportunity to do this by nominating two qualified experts to the Board upon inauguration.”